We welcome children at all our church services.

And we also provide: 

Sunday School and our Preschool Learning Center, which is offered during the first part of the service. These are safe places to learn about God, be valued and ask questions. They are held downstairs just off the parish hall. 

A Nursery at the back of the church has a rocker, crib, sink and privacy. A window and speaker allow you to follow the service. 

Babies In Need 

We assemble large gift bags of essential baby clothing, bedding and accessories and distribute them with car seats, strollers, cribs, etc. to local needy newborns every month. Out of approximately 530 babies born in our community each month, approximately 40 families do not have the capacity to buy the essentials they need to bring their babies home. Click here for more information about our mission.

Soccer Ministry 

We share our “back 40” with little ones in the Salmon Creek Soccer Club. 

All Saints Episcopal “Back Lawns” hosting Spring Soccer

All Saints Episcopal Church Playground

We also share our adjoining playground with the surrounding neighborhood and the general public.

All Saints Episcopal Church Playground at 2206 NW 99th Street in Vancouver

Lincoln Summer Food Boxes

At Vancouver’s Lincoln Elementary School over 50% of the 368 children enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade qualify for reduced or free meals. In other words, one out of every two students currently lives with some level of food insecurity. When breakfast and lunch are provided at Lincoln, these children are assured of at least two nutritious meals each day.  When school is out of session on holiday breaks or over the summer? The cafeteria is closed and the children lose the nutritional stability of the school food program.

Fr. Joe Scheeler loading donations for the “Summer Food Box” Give-away.

In an effort to combat hunger for these children, All Saints Episcopal Church has joined forces with Trinity Lutheran Church. Working in partnership with the elementary school’s resource officers, we are helping to fill Lincoln students’ family summer pantries. We collect and donate food items and family essentials so that several times during the summer vacation period, students and their families “shop” free of charge in Lincoln’s Family Resource Center.