Our Learning Program Starts with Safety

All Saints Episcopal Church (as part of the Diocese of Olympia) takes its responsibility for the safety of our people and our children seriously. The Safe Church program teaches how to identify and prevent abuse within the church community. The training consists of two sessions: Safeguarding God’s Children and Safeguarding God’s People.

PRIOR to any church-related contact with children, our teaching staff and volunteers will have been certified in the Safe Church Program, background checks will have been completed and other safeguards will have been put into place.

  • Safeguarding God’s Children and People Certification is required for all canonically resident and licensed clergy.
  • Safeguarding God’s Children is required for non-clergy who have a key to the church facility, vestry and bishop committee members, church staff, and anyone who works with children in any capacity.
  • Safeguarding God’s People is required for non-clergy who have a key to the church facility, vestry and bishop committee members, church staff, and eucharistic visitors.

Teaching Staff

Children’s Ministry Director: Beth Heurlin

Teachers: Matthew Philbrook and Mike Heurlin